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Twenty-Twenty Four, the Year of More?

More Tables!

More Hotel Rooms!

More Parking!

More (and Cleaner) Power!

More Food Options!

and More Room to Walk...

...are all things we'd like to bring to you, VCFMW fan, at this year's VCF Midwest.  But the deal isn't done yet and for now we must hold our cards tight to our chests. Here's what we can share:

  • We have parted ways - for now - with the Waterford/Clarion Inn.  They've been absolutely essential to our success since 2019 and we owe them everything, but we've simply outgrown our venue.  So stop calling them to try to book early!
  • We are still targeting the same weekend, so that means you can pencil in September 7th and 8th, 2024 for this year's show.  Or go ahead and use the pen; we're pretty sure those are going to be the dates.
  • Admission will still be FREE.
  • Tables will no longer be free :(

Are You in Doubt?

Were you unsure about attending this year?  Thinking of skipping this one?  Or maybe you've never been to a VCFMW and weren't ready to make the commitment?  This is not the year for waffling!  If our ethereal plans form solid matter and we pull this thing off, this will be a year NOT TO BE MISSED!  This is the year we shoot for the Moon and either fall back to Earth or just land on the Moon, I guess.  What would we do up there?

But seriously, this one is going to be big!  Do you remember when we moved from the Heron Point to the Holiday Inn?  And from the Holiday Inn to the Waterford?  It's like that, but it's even bigger and we're not telling you where it is yet.  Soon!

But We'll Need Help

If we're going to do this thing that we're not fully discussing yet, we're going to need more help on the ground than in any of our previous shows.  Can you:

  • Lift things?
  • Hang up signs and take them down?
  • Run cables and put tape on them?
  • Operate the sound board and camera so Jim can take a break?
  • Pick up trash so we don't get fined?
  • Yell (nicely) at people?

All of these roles and more are awaiting your helping hands at the VCF Midwest Volunteer Registration Form.  Drop us a reply there and we'll be able to contact you with our humble requests for assistance.  Your info will not be shared with anyone!


I don't like writing this part.  But as with our last upgrade, the price of growth increases in proportion.  In order to put on a great show and keep it free to everyone who would like to attend, we rely on donations and our Fabulous VCF Midwest Auction to pay the bills.  Last year, donations accounted for more than half of our revenue, so they definitely matter!  If you can spare a few dollars for our cause, there is a PayPal donation link on our site.

Did you know that Chicago Classic Computing, the organization that brings you VCF Midwest, is now a 501(c)(3) non-profit?  Your donation could be tax-deductable (we're neither lawyers nor accountants, so please consult yours before filing!)  Your PayPal email should act as a receipt for your donation, but please contact us for a formal donation form if you require it. 

We're also registred with Fidelity Investments' Donor Advised Funds, so if you're a client of theirs, tax-free giving could hardly be easier.  Here is our contact info and EIN:




So please do stay tuned to this frequency....our next broadcast will be the Big Reveal...

Can hardly wait to find out myself,





©2024 Chicago Classic Computing

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