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Don't Give Up on This Stuff


Hello "VCFMW fan"!  We heard you even over the din of cicadas in full bloom here at VCFMW HQ, and it's time to talk business.  Unfortunately, the business everyone wants to discuss - those table registrations - is still in a bind.  We beg your continued patience as we work through the challenges of life in the Big Leagues.


We expect to host over 200 tables this year, which we hope will mean enough for everyone who wants one.  The cost - which has been the #2 question behind "when can I sign up?" - will likely be lower than what you've heard. (We don't know what you've heard, but we've heard some things.  If you didn't read it here or on our site, it didn't come from us!)


When tables registrations are open, an annoucement will be made on this mailing list and the website will be updated simultaneously.  At this time, no one has registered for a table.


Call for Speakers

VCFMW is now accepting proposals for presentations! Want to explain an obscure part of computing history? Show off your latest repair or homebrew project? Debate whether the IBM PC 5150 was an 8-bit or 16-bit system? VCFMW sees more than two thousand vintage computing fans every show, so we might have the right audience for your topic!


If you're interested in giving a talk, please submit a proposal to our esteemed planning committee with the following information:

  • Topic/Title - a short paragraph as an Abstract (plaintext, but can include URLs)
  • Preferred Time Slot - Saturday morning, afternoon, or evening; Sunday morning or afternoon
  • How you'd like to be credited - real name or handle/alias
  • A URL (if applicable) with more information about you or your topic

The only requirements we have for presentations are that they be related to the field and hobby of vintage computing, that they fit into a half hour or hour-long time slot, and that they be appropriate for all ages (no profanity, etc.)

The deadline for submitting your proposals is July 31st, 2024. Accepted proposals will be chosen a few days later, with presenters notified via email.

Disclaimer: There is a limited selection of slots available for presentations, so we can't always accommodate everyone's requests. Selection of proposals is at the discretion of VCFMW organizing staff.

As always, stay tuned for updates and pass the list registration link on to anyone you think may be interested in our show.


jason (life in the fast lane)







©2024 Chicago Classic Computing

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