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It's Time to Stake Your Claim


Hello "VCFMW fan"!  We said we "hoped" to open table registration in June but hopes don't pay the bills.  How does mid-July work for you?


We'll cut to the chase: Table registration for VCF Midwest 19 will open Sunday, July 14 at 15:41 CDT.  That means I've got to finish the sign-up form, the tabling info/FAQ page and run spellchk.exe on the whole deal before then.


If you promise not to kill our server, you can probably start refreshing the tables page around that time.  There you will find basic info about the table reservation process, table pricing and links to the sign-up form and exhibitor info/FAQ page (likely still being edited as you read this.)


The form is a long one this year! Multiple pages!  Conditional branching! Please take the time to read it all, as well as the exhibitor info pages.   Lots of important info there!  If, after an exhaustive review of the materials, you have any questions, drop us a note. 


I can see it all coming together

- jason



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