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You've Got a Table!


Hello "VCFMW fan"!  We are pleased to inform you that your exhibitor and/or vendor table at VCF Midwest 18 has been placed and confirmed.  So where is it?


Check out our awkward, browser-exhausting map page here.  If you back that URL up a bit, you'll find the individual files, which may be easier to handle.


Every effort was made to give you as much space as you requested, but it many cases (especially you four-table types - it ain't the Heron Point basement any more) we had to reduce your allocation.  Our priority is fitting as many of our diverse and interesting requests in as possible, and that meant a little cutting back.  So please check the chart, find your table(s), note their size(s) and plan your exhibits accordingly. If you're selling, consider cycling stock out of your vehicle, or even just under your table.


And on that topic...Vendors: price to sell!  If you're like us, you don't want to go home with this stuff!  This is probably the largest (in-person) audience you're going to get for classic computing (humblebrag) so if you can't sell it at VCFMW, you can't sell it!  (except on ebay or facebook or craigslist or...but who wants to use those any more?)


Listing Info

The spreadsheet data that generated that "table tracker" chart will also be used to generate an exhibitor listing on our website (unless you told us not to list you.)  If the name you see on the chart is not the one you want listed, please let us know.


Loading Times

Load-in will begin the morning of Friday, September 8th around 10am.  We'll open the doors once we've confirmed that our infrastructure (that's the power outlets you're going to use) are set up.  Ideally this is done early Thursday night and we all get a good night's sleep.  But...

Load-in will continue until around 10pm Friday.  The traditional dinner adventure to Aurelio's Pizza will still happen, however we will not be closing down the venue this time.  Load-in has to keep on keeping on and I'll just eat a sandwich or something. 


Late load-in on Saturday morning is possible, but we don't recommend it.  Please try to arrive on Friday and be relaxed and ready for the chaos that springs forth on 9/9 at 9:00:01.



You'll have power at your table, or near it.  Please bring a power strip, extension cord and whatever else you think you'll need to run your table.  If you requested an analog phone drop, our esteemed Telephony Directorate is doing its best to make that happen (it really depends on how well I planned the map...mistakes were surely made.)



If you can't make it, please tell us soon.  Unlike all previous shows where we somehow got everyone in, there is an actual waiting list of exhibits that would love that spot.  Likewise with your hotel room; if you're not going to need it, there are many who were not able to stay on-site and could move their reservations to the Clarion.


Questions?  Drop us a note.

Please keep an eye on this mailing list and our tabling page for further missives.


We'll see you in September!


-jason, who has to design the badge and shirt now









©2023 Chicago Classic Computing, Inc

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